In 2015 I was asked to do event promotion for a friend's event, Bear's Tavern. Neither of the autocrats were very active on Facebook, and both are definitely not techno-savvy. I had seen Sir Gui making lots of SCA related memes and they were received quite well, judging by the number of "likes" they got. So I made up a few related to the event theme, created a facebook event, and started posting. I would space them out once a week, or every other week. Memes, photos of working on garb, information updates about the event like food menu or prereg dates and information. Silly jokes. Anything spaced out enough to keep people's interest and keep the event in their current mind.
I'm told it worked quite well, the attendee numbers were steady if not improved.
The following year something horrible happened. Lord John the Bear, who the event is named after, had a bad stroke. Long story short, he was in the hospital for quite a while, but we were determined to keep the event going on. I upped my meme game, and promoted the heck out of the event. Since the theme was "Robin Hood" My sister and I came up with the idea to do pool-noodle archery contest. We had fake fruit that one person would hold and a child's toy bow and pool noodle arrows. It worked amazingly well for what it was, and people seemed to have a good time playing. Afterwards I was told again that my promoting and planning was a big help.
That year I was also asked to do event promotion for Goat's Tavern run by Oliver de Bainbridge and Arrows Axes and Ales run by Monkey Makgee. I didn't go as all-out on the memes for those, but I did do a similar style and run-up for those events. Oliver is a really good brewer and gifted me some delicious mead and cyser as thanks.
In 2017, I was once again requested to do promotion for Bear's Tavern. The theme this time was pirates. More memes and info over FB, but this time Jenna and I emphasized the silly games. And we did come up with a number of them!
That year the autocrat of Barleycorn realized they hadn't done any event promotion, so two weeks before the event I was asked to help. I made 2 memes, and again put them out and information about the event over facebook over the period of time until the event.
This year, 2018, the popularity of memes seems to be dieing down. So once again asked to promote Bear's Tavern, I didn't do as many memes, but still put out lots of information at a steady pace. The bad snowstorm in the days preceding the event I think had an impact on the attendance, but it was still well enough attended.
Last week I was asked by the autocrat and feastocrat of this upcoming St. Andrews to once again do event promotion, so I started that facebook event. This is a much more "serious" event, so I won't do so many memes. But there's going to be a lot of activities going on and plenty of information I'll need to get out there, so I'm not worried about not having anything fresh to keep this in people's minds and make them look forward to the event.