Saturday, April 25, 2020

And then the Isolation happened.

I'm trying to remember what I've done service-wise since the new year.

  • I know I finished calligraphy on another backlog scroll.
  • I helped herald in court at Twelfth Night.
  • I've finished a thing for a friend's elevation, but as that hasn't happened yet, I'm not disclosing details on that.
  • I've held my "Absolute beginner's guide to submitting heraldry" twice online. Once on facebook live, which isn't good for seeing if anybody has questions but more people were watching, and once on Google Meets which worked a lot better but had fewer people. The facebook live I had committed to doing before the webministry started pushing for people to use the Meets. So, experimentation in streaming ways happened. Facebook live is good for broadcasting with minimal interaction with viewers since there's such a delay between what you say and what viewers see. Zoom is good for having multiple people talk at the same time or roundtable discussions. Google Meets is good for a lecture class.
  • I recorded a short video of my dancing in armor to the Electric Slide to amuse my fellow SCAdians. And I most recently recorded videos to contribute to group video projects of "Eye of the Tyger" and "Glow Up".
  • Plus I've been continuing my monthly duties as Mosaic Herald, and helping out with proofreading things for Blue Tyger.

I think that's all for now! Because I suddenly remembered I have this blog to keep record of the things I do.

Th-th-th-that's all folks!

My friends keep the best secrets. After presenting some very silly scrolls in morning court Their Majesties said “Oh, Violet. Hang on a seco...