I was asked by Onora last month to do calligraphy on a Court Barony scroll, as the one hand I know would suit it perfectly. And I've been asking my scribe friends if I could help with scrolls. I thought the best way, but involved, for us to do with with my lack of experience is if she sketched out the art so I would know what size the calligraphy area needed to be. I would be able to do the words without worrying about messing up art with my mistakes. And I can do it in 2 days. So she could take her time with the art, and if something happened that required the scroll be done completely over I could do my part quick. As it happend I dripped some ink on the page and had a minor freak-out while trying to blot it up. I texted Onora and she said it was fixable. So I finished my part and made the pass off back to her to finish in time for the event.
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The end of the visitors was about 4:00, just as it was planned to finish up anyway. I had been told previously to go to the Royal Room at 4:15 to be given a scroll to read in court, so I found Audrye and was given a written sheet. I was very happy because it was a nice simple name and not Gaelic or Norse or anything! I saw the edge of Onora's scroll a few pages down and asked if I could see it. She said "Of course you can, you made it!" I said but I hadn't seen the art part, I did the calligraphy first. It turned out freaking gorgeous.
I had been instructed during court to go up to the stage during the MoD elevation. So I watched to see how others were getting up and down, there's a side door that leads to the backstage area. Cool. I snuck up during the ceremony, and after they call vivats I walked behind the Rose banner to stand next to Treannah. Welcome gifts were given to newcomers, and then Audrye nudged me up front and cued what I should say. "Their Majesties call forth Patrick Michael". I thought for a second and then whispered to Audrye "I did say Majesties, and not excellencies, right?" After 4 years of being baronial herald it kind of became autopilot. I called up the order when I was cued, then read out the words (Scroll forthcoming. Sorry dude.). Since he was being given a silver wheel I then after reading the scroll and leaving the stage went down and welcomed him into the order as I went back to my seat. Later on as we were saying our goodbyes Onora said to me her husband was surprised because I'm usually so quiet. He was stunned that I could be so loud! I said "Awww, thank you! What a nice compliment!"
Court continued on, and I saw the scroll I helped with being given out. As it was read and shown off I started flailing in my seat with glee. Vetra looked at me with a quizzical look. I flailed some more. She asked "Why are you so excited?" I gestured to the stage just as it was said "Calligraphy by Violet Hughes" She said "Oh!" and flailed with me. Yay, my first scroll given out in Royal Court! King Wilhelm then said "You all have to see this scroll. It is amazing!" Hell yeah it is, Onora does beautiful work and I'm so excited she asked me to contribute.
So: 1) worked on scroll. 2) read a scroll in court. 3) Brute squadded for a vigil. 4) made new friends. A very good day!