Thursday, June 25, 2020

Herald has leveled up!

So the SCA is still not happening in-person. But we're still doing things virtually. The Queen has started giving out Amegerious (armergerious? Ack! AOA-level) awards in the ethereal court, and at first I was skeptical, but having seen the first round I'm appreciating how it's done. I know it's a LOT of work for the web ministry team, and nothing ever goes according to plan, but it looks great from my point of view.
Also in ethereal court, they're doing "inspiration" shout outs. And I got one last court! Yay! So awesome! *kermit flail* The first few people that I would think to write in as inspirations were already done in the first round, so I found some more deserving people and wrote them in for next court. 

Also! The Mural Herald stepped down, and I asked to be considered for that position and offered to cover both Mural and Mosaic while they looked for somebody to fill the Mosaic role. I thought that the job I've been doing for I think a little under a year now has proven that I've got the hang of things there. So they found a new person for Mosaic right away, and I jumped into Mural just as the new LOAR came out. I'm really really chuffed at being able to send out the final "Hey, your stuff is official!" notices. The hardest part is remembering all the details of what I've been doing as Mosaic so I can write them down and pass the info on to the new deputy.

I'm still helping out as I was on the Blue Tyger team, proofreading and triple-checking stuff. I'm also trying to comment more on OSCAR, but I'm still extremely unsure of myself with anything more than "No conflict found, links check out." I think the biggest problem is that people comment and say what I would say before I get a chance to look over the letters. But I'm sure I'll get better in time with practice. Even if not, and in the meantime, double checking conflicts and links doesn't hurt.

And then there's the cancelled Pennsic class I was going to do. I got an email that Pennsic University is going to have a youtube channel to upload classes to. I still want to do my "How to baronial herald" class. I'm thinking I'll do it on Meets for the East Kingdom A&S part, then upload that recording to Youtube. I just need to finish typing up notes of what I'm going to say and have a person or two look it over before I decide when to hold it.

Backlog Silver Wheel

Osanna painted a backlog scroll that was based off a late period Italian white vine page, I was asked to do the calligraphy. Looking at the ...