Before the An Dub schola event, which is also our A&S and bardic champions event, I was asked to do the calligraphy on 2 scrolls. Fiona did the illumination on one, Lily on the other. They just did borders and let me choose which one was for which. Since I'm terrible at and honestly find no joy in word smithing I went to Slaine for those. I was quite happy with how they turned out. And I've been saving up empty copy paper boxes at work, so I cut out the tops/bottoms to make some quick and dirty (not nice and fabric finished) scroll sleeves. I even remembered to print out cut sheets.

I got to the event, which was held on a Suffolk County Community College campus. There's no site fee, no dayboard. In previous years a few people have brought food to share, so I made up a big batch of honey butter and bought a loaf of sliced crusty bread. Because no SCA event is complete if it doesn't have honey butter and bread! I asked permission to use and printed out 2 copies of a charge group lesson that Yehuda had made up years before while he was Elmut. Because I knew I had at least 2 (and probably only 2) people that were interested in learning more than my usual "absolute basic heraldry for the beginner". I also brought along my laptop in case anybody wanted help with their EK Wiki pages, but nobody asked about that.
The honeybutter turned out to be widely liked, I taught Slaine and Lily how to determine charge groups. I took a class on how to write award recommendations. Then the bardic performances happened, and the 2 A&S entries were discussed. I was told who each winner was so I could put their names on the scrolls, and I suddenly realized that Fiona won the A&S champion spot. And I had done the A&S wording on the scroll she illuminated. Everybody was so very amused at this.
Put away my things, helped straighten up, then home.
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