Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Seeing people! In person!

When we last left our superhero...

My barony has had two in person events now! We only have one event site in the area, and it's got a HUGE outdoor space, so the events can be safely held to the comfort of the more cautious people. Me. I'm cautious people. 

I offered to do the champion scrolls. And 2 weeks before the first event (Arrows Axes and Ales, so three champions) I realized I needed scrolls blanks. Lilly Morgaine said she had one, a black hours scroll she had done just to try it out. She's freaking amazing. So she lent me gold ink and I got that one done up. Vettorio said he found a scroll blank his apprentice Oda Lally had done, so I used that and got the second one done. I decided to shoot for the stars and found a simple cadel online. I traced that and made the third scroll by myself. Which has always been a goal of mine, so yay! I'm proud of myself for that. When I posted it to facebook after the event I got a message from a gentle who's well known for cadels and he gave me a tip or two on how to improve on that. But I got those scrolls done 2 days before the event, whew.

At the event I took a turn at serving dayboard. To keep things clean as people came up to the table I would say "Hello! Welcome to dayboard, please use the utensils!" Because I had discussed previously with the autocrat that people are oblivious and would just reach in for stuff with their hands, right next to the spoons and tongs. So this was a friendly yet firm reminder. We also had sanitizing wipes to use every so often on high-touch areas.

After that I hung out with my friends a bunch, and relaxed.

Until the competitions were finished. I suddenly realized I didn't print out cut sheets like I'd intended to before leaving the house. So I begged some paper and was frantically writing out the words for the herald. As I'm halfway through that I'm told the winners names and that court should start soon. So between the chill in the air and the adrenaline from rushing to write out words my hands were a bit shaky and I'm not proud of the way the names came out. Oh well, can't be helped.

Court was enjoyable, it was late October and still warm enough to hold it on the outside stage. After that was a quick cleanup and break down and then headed home.

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