Sunday, June 9, 2019

It's been "quiet".

It's been fairly quiet since I went to Balfar's challenge. My service has been in small ways. I've been continuing to moderate the Giftmas group. I've been doing calligraphy on scrolls. I made a seneschal hat for my seneschal. I've been helping people with heraldry submissions. I've been stalking the Wreath and Pelican heraldry meetings to try to absorb more knowledge. I am giving advice to two local people who are interested in being book heralds, as well as being deputy and answering questions to my pursuivant herald.

So nothing exciting for you all to read about, but still doing what I can where I can.

Some mistakes were made

Last weekend was Balfar's Challenge.

There were good things, I got to talk to a new friend that I haven't gotten to chat much with previously. I got to chat with a few new people. I got to help read scrolls in court. Two friends got awards and I contributed calligraphy on the scroll for one of them.

There were not so positive things. It was cold and windy and off and on rainy, so I didn't get to do as much as I was hoping, I was busy huddling to keep my hands warm. I didn't include some standard wording on the scroll that was supposed to be in there. Which probably lead to my friend not getting the "For the first time I introduce". I called Their Majesties as Their Excellencies.

I'm determined to do more and do better next RP.

Backlog Silver Wheel

Osanna painted a backlog scroll that was based off a late period Italian white vine page, I was asked to do the calligraphy. Looking at the ...