Monday, August 19, 2019

Pennsic Shenanigans.

I was very busy at Pennsic this year. I did so much that I can't remember all of it. First off I was acting herald, since our pursuivant wasn't able to go to War this year. So I lead the barony for opening ceremonies and heralded baronial court during the week.

I was determined to do more at Herald's point this year, so I signed up for 2 shifts at the Herald Admin Shack scanning and sorting completed paperwork. I was in a groove, it was my happy spot. Sadly the third shift I volunteered for, I was supposed to go right after the bridge battle ended on Thursday. But the battle ran long. I asked my sister to stop in there and let them know, once battle ended and I got back to camp to shower she told me they were just about finished with the paperwork anyway. So I got myself unstinky and headed over there. The few heralds left said they didn't know why there was a shift scheduled for that day/time, as herald's point was closed by then anyway. But I felt better stopping in there so it didn't seem like I was blowing them off.
I also stopped off another time midweek, but they didn't have a spare computer for me to use to do consults, so I went off to the art tent to color in paperwork for 2 hours.
I did stop off there Thursday morning as I had a spare hour, but the first computer wouldn't start up, and the second computer finally let me in, but I suddenly realized I had no idea what the procedure was for doing consults at Pennsic, so I was probably more a hindrance than a help. I'll try again next year at the beginning of the week to learn how to do them.

I also went to two ASL classes so I could learn more for doing sign heraldry. I learned a bunch of stuff, but I'm not sure if it was useful for a beginner silent herald yet. I'll have to let it roll around in the back of my head and in my hands to see how much use it will be.  I also happened to sit very near the silent herald during EK court, so I was watching her. I saw her the next day by Cooper's store and stopped her to ask about a specific sign she was using. I have tentative plans unless I chicken out to do silent herald for Arrows Axes and Ales in November.

I think the rest of the things I was running around doing were not particularly service, so I won't include them here. But lots of little gifts given, witnessed bigger awards given to family and friends. Not nearly enough time spent by the campfire. But I really enjoyed my Pennsic, I think it's one of the best I've ever had.

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