Monday, November 4, 2019

New Job, New Scrolls.

Just after Pennsic I was offered the job of Mosaic Herald. This is the person who sends out notifications after a submission has finished kingdom (first) level commentary. As opposed to Mural herald who sends it out after Laurel (final) level acceptance/return.

I jumped at this chance, as I've often heard grumblings from people that once they submitted something they never heard anything back. Sometimes OSCAR gets cranky and refuses to send out the emails. Sometimes they wind up in people's spam folders and don't get seen. So, since we have kingdom personal and office gmails set up now, why not use it to send them out? Ok, maybe it takes a bit longer to send them out one by one instead of in a batch, but if it helps the notifications get seen then I'll do it. Also the Oscar system seems a bit complicated. But I'm sure it worked for many years. Mostly.

Anyway! I officially started last month, with the submissions done right before Pennsic. That was 27 emails, 33 items to send out. Some emails were both name and device. I did the spreadsheet and sent the emails in one evening. This month's batch was the first round from Pennsic. 34 emails with 49 items. The spreadsheet alone took me one evening. Since I was cramming to do a scroll for an event I had to spread out the emails over 3 days. I had messaged Brigantia and thanked him for starting me in this job the month before having to do the Pennsic ones!

I went back to the instructions I was originally given, as the results sit in Oscar waiting to be processed and emailed. But since I'm not doing it that way I went back in there to delete them. It wasn't difficult to figure out, just tedious going through all the ones that are sitting on the server and finding each separate one and deleting it, then going back to the list and finding the next one. It looks like there's a bunch of old notifications sitting on there that nothing was done with them, but I don't know if it was Mosaic level stuff to do, or Mural. So I'll leave any one I'm not currently working on alone for now.

I posted a note of what happened to the Kingdom (unofficial) facebook page and sent an email to the EK Gazette with the same wording. Since I know not everybody is on facebook. Just the majority of us, heh.

I also went back through notes on facebook and updated my baronial OP. Fixed a few entries and added a bunch of people.

As for scrolls, I've still been working on the last 2 backlogs I signed up for. I have the illuminated pages from Fiona and the words from Aislinn, I just have to get the calligraphy done. The one I'm currently working on is being a problem child, as the spacing is either too cramped or too much extra space. But I think I finally got a good balance and got the pencilled words on there, now I just need to ink it. I also did the calligraphy for a friend's AoA, the baronial heavy weapons champion, and the baronial brewing champion. Beyond the scrolls I did way too much at St. Andrews, and did very little at Arrows Axes and Ales.

Next weekend is Crown Tournament. Which I volunteered to either herald the lists or be a list runner, wherever I was needed more. I will also offer to help read scrolls in court. I think I've got the projection down, but in order to be heard and try to remember to enunciate and slow down so my An Dub accent doesn't muddle the words I don't have a good flow when I read. I want to work on that. I'm sure it'll get better with practice.

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